



There are a number of different ways to chat with your fellow Britannians:

  • Public chat: [chat or [c
  • Party chat: / followed by your text
  • Guild chat: \ followed by your text
  • Alliance chat: | followed by your text (Shift + \)

When in the same area as other players, there are several ways to convey your text. By typing one of the following symbols, followed by [space], then your message, it will have one of these effects:

  • ! [Exclamation Point] – Yell, increases the distance other players can see your speech.
  • ; [Semi-Colon] – Whisper, only players one tile from your character will be able to see your speech.
  • : [Colon] – Emotes your text.



The following commands can be used by players at any time.

Player Commands

  • [Achievements – Used to view the achievements progress of other players.
  • [AFK – Emotes that you are away from your computer. Optionally it can be followed with a message if you wish to leave one, “[afk be back soon”.
  • [Chat – Brings up the chat window. The chat window shows who is using the chat system. Type [chat ‘your message’ to chat once you have joined. Messages appear in the bottom left, system message area of the screen. Chat messages are limited to one per minutes. This is to encourage face-to-face, personalized interactions.
  • [Emote – Brings up a list of available emotes. Emotes have a short cool down between uses.
  • [FactionsOptIn – Used to opt in and out of the temporary Factions participant system.
  • [FFAPvPOptIn – Used to opt in and out of the Free-For-All PvP Areas.
  • [Help – Lists off all the available in game commands.
  • [HelpInfo – Brings up a window that will give descriptions of the in game commands.
  • [Hunger – Shows a window with your current hunger and thirst. There is no direct negative consequence for not eating or drinking in game.
  • [MOTD – Displays the message of the day window.
  • [MyAchievements – Used to open the achievement window and view your progress in completing achievements.
  • [Password – Used to change your password in game. Type “[password NewPassword NewPassword” to change to a new one.
  • [PayToChat– Enables the option to skip the delay between sending public chat messages by paying gold for every message within the delay window.
  • [PopPouch – Opens a magically trapped pouch in your inventory, if any are available.
  • [PowerHour – Shows a gump detailing your power hour status. It will tell you whether you can start now, how much time you have left, or when you can start your next power hour.
  • [PvMLog – Opens up your PvM log listing everything you have slain. It is updated continually.
  • [Reputation – Lists your points and standing with each of the groups in the reputation system. You will need to interact with the reputation quest giver or kill at least one of a reputation group’s opposition creatures before you will see anything here.
  • [Resurrect – Allows ghosts to use undead unguent to self resurrect.
  • [ShowNewPlayer – Toggles off and on a”[New Player]” overhead title for accounts less than 45 days old.
  • [Thirst – Same thing as [hunger.
  • [Time – Returns the server’s time.
  • [ToggleRep – displays/hides the points system messages from slaying opposing creatures to the various reputation groups.

Spoken Phrases

  • I resign from my guild” – Instantly removes you from your current guild.
  • I must consider my sins” – Sends a system message with your current short and long term murder counts.
  • I renounce my young player status” – Removes the young title from your character and any associated limitations and benefits.
  • Weigh my deeds” – When spoken at a virtue shrine or the Chaos Shrine, your fame and karma will be displayed.


Game Commands

These commands have situational uses in game.

Banker / Minter

  • balance” or “statement“: The banker will tell you the amount of gold in your bank box.
  • bank“: The banker will open your bank box for you.
  • withdraw [amount]“: The banker will transfer the specified amount of gold from your bank box to your backpack, if possible.


  • news“: The barkeep will give a scenario hint, just like a town crier.
  • (giving money)“: Amounts of gold under 50 gold will cause the Barkeep to speak this rumor. Amounts over 50 gold will be returned. Will only work if the owner did indeed give the barkeep a rumor to spread.
  • (saying a keyword)“: The Barkeep will respond to a maximum of three keywords. Owners can set the keywords the Barkeep will respond to and the response the Barkeep will give.


  • I will take thee“: Causes an escortable NPC to follow you.
  • destination“: The escortable NPC will name their desired destination.


  • I would like to cross” or “cross“: Spoken at the Skara Brae ferry to take you across the water to the mainland, or to the island.


See Followers.


Hirelings are NPCs you can pay to accompany and fight with you. They charge and upfront fee, then will periodically require payments for their continued service.

  • [name] come“: Summons the hireling to your location.
  • [name] drop“: Drops everything it’s carrying to the ground.
  • [name] follow“: Follows targeted being.
  • [name] follow me“: Follows you.
  • [name] friend“: Treats targeted player as another owner.
  • [name] guard me“: Will guard you.
  • [name] hire“: Responds with how much it will cost to hire him/her.
  • [name] kill” or “[name] attack“: Attacks targeted being.
  • [name] move“: Makes the hireling move away so you can pass.
  • [name] report“: Responds with how they feel about their job.
  • [name] stay“: Stops and stays in current spot.
  • [name] stop“: Cancels any current orders to guard or follow.
  • [name] transfer“: Transfers complete ownership to targeted player.


  • I ban thee“: Friends, co-owners and owners of a house can issue this command. It will bring up a targeting cursor to ban and eject someone. Friends and owners cannot be banned. By doing this, the person banned will be added to the banned list that is accessible from the house sign menu. There is a limit of 50 banned people per house.
  • Remove thyself“: Friends, co-owners and owners of a house can issue this command. It will bring up a targeting cursor to eject someone. Friends and owners cannot be ejected.
  • I wish to lock this down“: Locks an item down in your house. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.
  • I wish to release this“: Removes lock down and secure status on an item. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command. Only the owner may release a secure.
  • I wish to unsecure this“: Removes secure status on an item, the item remains locked down. Only the owner can issue this command.
  • I wish to secure this“: Locks down a container in your house and makes it secure. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.
  • I wish to place a trash barrel“: Will place a trash barrel inside a house, at the position where you are standing. Only the owner or co-owner can issue this command. After 3 minutes, items in the barrel will be deleted.
  • I wish to place a strongbox” – Creates a strongbox at owner’s or co-owner’s feet, which only can be accessed by the person who placed it.


  • [name] join“: Can be used with NPC guildmasters. They will respond with the amount of money you have to pay them to join that guild. Drop the requested money on the NPC to join. You must have 48 hours of in game time to be eligible to join an NPC guild, and you may only belong to one at a time.
  • [name] quit” or “[name] resign“: Used to quit an NPC guild. You must have spent one week in the guild, and a minimum of 96 game hours before quitting.
  • [name] move“: The NPC will step aside or away from you.
  • [name] time“: The NPC will tell you the current time.
  • [name] train“: If the NPC is able to teach, they will respond by telling you what skills are available for you to learn.
  • [name] train [skill]“: Say this to an NPC that has indicated it can teach that skill. The NPC will respond by telling you how much it will cost you to receive training in that skill, or it will tell you it cannot teach you more than you already know of that skill.


  • all come” or “[name] come“: Summons all or one pet to your location.
  • [name] drop“: Drops everything it’s carrying to the ground.
  • [name] follow“: Follows targeted being.
  • all follow me” or “[name] follow me“: Makes all or one pet follow you.
  • [name] friend“: Treats targeted player as another owner.
  • all guard me” or “[name] guard me“: Makes all or one pet guard you.
  • “[name] kill” or “[name] attack“: Attacks targeted being. Can be used will all as well.
  • [name] release“: Releases pet back into the wild (undoes taming).
  • all stay” or “[name] stay“: All or one pet will stop and stay in current spot.
  • all stop” or “[name] stop“: Cancels any current orders to guard or follow.
  • [name] transfer“: Transfers complete ownership to targeted player.


  • retrieve” or “claim“: The stablemaster will give you back the pet(s) you stabled with him.
  • claim list“: Shows a list of all pets stabled and allows you to choose which pet to claim.
  • stable” or “stall“: Will bring up a targeting cursor. Target the pet you want to stable.


See Ships.

Town Cryer

  • news“: The Town Cryer will give you a bit of news, if he or she has some.

Vendor (NPC)

In the commands below, the name can be either the vendor’s name or any of the words “shopkeeper”, “merchant”, or “vendor”.

  • [name] buy“: The inventory of the vendor will be shown to you. You can select which items you want to buy.
  • [name] sell“: The items in your backpack that can be sold to the vendor will be shown to you. You can select which items you want to sell.

Vendor (Player)

The following can be used by patrons to the player vendor:

  • vendor browse“: This will open the backpack of the vendor so you can see the goods for sale. This functions the same way as double-clicking on a vendor.
  • vendor buy“: Brings up a targeting cursor with which you can select the item you want to buy. If you do not have enough gold in your backpack the amount will be taken straight out of your bankbox.

The following commands are only applicable to the owner of the vendor:

  • vendor collect“: Transfers the gold the vendor is holding for you into your backpack.
  • vendor dismiss“: Terminates the vendor’s contract of employment. The vendor will disappear. Remove any items and gold on the vendor before dismissing.
  • [name] status” or “[name] info“: The vendor will tell you how much gold he or she is holding, how the cost per UO day and for how many days he or she will continue to work for you.

Virtue Shrine

The eight virtue shrines will give a small buff for incanting the correct mantra while at the shrine. Virtue shrine buffs will stay active for one hour and only one can be active at a time.

  • mu“: Shrine of Compassion, +2 Hit Point Regeneration.
  • ahm“: Shrine of Honesty, +2 Mana Regeneration.
  • summ“: Shrine of Honor, +1 Mana Regeneration, +1 Stamina Regeneration (50% chance to get one bumped up to +2).
  • lum“: Shrine of Humility, +3 Random Regeneration.
  • beh“: Shrine of Justice, +1 Mana Regeneration, +1 Hit Point Regeneration (50% chance to get one bumped up to +2).
  • cah“: Shrine of Sacrifice, +1 Hit Point Regeneration, +1 Stamina Regeneration (50% chance to get one bumped up to +2).
  • om“: Shrine of Spirituality, +1 All Regenerations (25% chance (3 independent rolls) to get each bumped up to +2).
  • ra“: Shrine of Valor, +2 Stamina Regeneration.