Taming Information




A number of changes have been made to animal taming in order to mesh with the Britannia-only map and 100.0 skill cap. All tamable creatures found on the server can be tamed with GM skill. Some creatures not traditionally associated with Britannia are now present, along with some changed to now be tamable.

Increased Stable Capacity

Every character will have 5 stable slots available to them. The number of slots will increase as your pet related skills increase. A player with GM animal lore, animal taming, and veterinary will have 20 stable slots.

Pet Retrieval Stone

A stone in front of the veterinarian in Britain will bring any lost pets or ghosts of lost pets to you for a fee. Double click the stone to view information about pet retrieval.

Resurrecting Bonded Pets

To resurrect a bonded pet that has died, a player with a high skill in veterinary can double click a bandage and target the pet’s ghost. In the event no one well trained in the veterinary skill can be found, there is a veterinarian in Britain that will resurrect dead bonded pets for a fee.

Custom Creature Locations

Many creatures are found in the location(s) listed at sites such as UO Guide. The following are creatures who may not normally be tamable or appear in the stated locations.

  • charger – Fire Island
  • coconut crab – tropical islands
  • desert ostard – Desert of Compassion
  • frenzied ostard – southern jungle
  • forest ostard – forests between Yew and Trinsic
  • giant beetle – Orc Cave
  • giant toad – swamps
  • high plains boura – northern forests
  • lava serpent – Fire dungeon
  • lava snake – Fire dungeon
  • lowland boura – southern jungle
  • nightmare – Hythloth, Excavation
  • ruddy boura – Fens of the Dead
  • silver steed – temperate forests, elusive
  • slith – islands
  • speckled scorpion – Desert of Compassion
  • stone slith – Covetous
  • swamp dragon – Destard swamp
  • unicorn – temperate forests, elusive

Animal Body Types

This section lists the types of creatures with an animal body type.

  • alligator
  • bird
  • black bear
  • boar
  • brown bear
  • bull
  • bull frog
  • cat
  • charger
  • chicken
  • coconut crab
  • cougar
  • cow
  • desert ostard
  • dire wolf
  • dog
  • eagle
  • ferret
  • forest ostard
  • frenzied ostard
  • giant beetle
  • goat
  • gorilla
  • great hart
  • grey wolf
  • grizzly bear
  • hell hound
  • hind
  • horse
  • llama
  • nightmare
  • pack horse
  • pack llama
  • panther
  • pig
  • polar bear
  • predator hellcat
  • rabbit
  • ridgeback
  • savage ridgeback
  • sewer rat
  • sheep
  • silver steed
  • snake
  • snow leopard
  • snake
  • snow leopard
  • squirrel
  • swamp dragon
  • tiger
  • timber wolf
  • turkey
  • unicorn
  • walrus
  • white wolf

Miscellaneous Information

Goats will eat shoes given to them by their owner or players on their friend list. Doing so will restore the goat’s loyalty, just like feeding it any other of its preferred foods.


Training Taming Skill

The Animal Taming skill is slow to progress. Ideally you should choose it as one of your character’s starting skills.

To tame, you must start using the Animal Taming skill within 3 tiles of your target and stay within 7 tiles once taming has begun.

Creatures have a minimum taming skill level; you must meet this required taming skill level for you to have a chance at successfully taming one. You will be able to gain Animal Taming skill while you are within 25.0 skill points from the creature’s minimum taming skill level. Listed below are some tamable creatures and their respective minimum taming skill levels (not a complete list).

Minimum Taming Skill

dog: -21.3 desert ostard: 29.1 giant spider: 59.1 imp: 83.1
cat: -0.9 forest ostard: 29.1 great hart: 59.1 ridgeback: 83.1
rat: -0.9 giant beetle: 29.1 grizzly bear: 59.1 drake: 84.3
cow: 11.1 giant rat: 29.1 stone slith: 65.1 hell hound: 85.5
sheep: 11.1 black bear: 35.1 white wolf: 65.1 dragon: 93.9
eagle: 17.1 polar bear: 35.1 bull: 71.1 swamp dragon: 93.9
lowland boura: 19.1 walrus: 35.1 hell cat: 71.1 nightmare: 95.1
ruddy boura: 19.1 brown bear: 41.1 charger: 75.1 silver steed: 95.1
bull frog: 23.1 alligator: 47.1 frenzied ostard: 77.1 unicorn: 95.1
hind: 23.1 scorpion: 47.1 giant toad: 77.1 dread spider: 96.0
slime: 23.1 grey wolf: 53.1 lava lizard: 80.7 white wyrm: 96.3
timber wolf: 23.1 panther: 53.1 slith: 80.7  
high plains boura: 25.1 snow leopard: 53.1 dire wolf: 83.1  

Dungeon Taming

Training Animal Taming in certain dungeons gives you the benefit of accelerated skill gain. The following table lists tamable creatures in such dungeons, along with their respective minimum taming skills.

Covetous Deceit Despise Destard
giant spider: 59.1 giant toad: 77.1 drake: 84.3 drake: 84.3
drake: 84.3 imp: 83.1 dragon: 93.9 dragon: 93.9
dragon: 93.9 rat: -0.9 giant rat: 29.1  
dread spider: 96.0   giant spider: 59.1  
slime: 23.1   giant toad: 77.1  
stone slith: 65.1   mongbat: -18.9  
    rat: -0.9  
Fire Hythloth Ice Orc Cave
giant rat: 29.1 hell hound: 85.5 frost spider: 74.7 dire wolf: 83.1
giant spider: 59.1 imp: 83.1 white wyrm: 96.3 giant beetle: 29.1
hell cat: 71.1 nightmare: 95.1   giant rat: 29.1
hell hound: 85.5      
lava lizard: 80.7      
lava snake: 35.1      
slime: 23.1      
giant rat: 29.1      
rat: -0.9      
scopion: 47.1      


Animal Training System

Animal training is a system that adds new options when training pets. Traditionally, pet skills and stats could be raised through combat. The new system gives much more control over your pet’s stats and gives the option to add abilities. Animal training can be undertaken with tamed creatures, except five slot pets. Each time a pet levels up, it increases the slots required by one. Five slot pets are already maxed out. Animal Trainer NPCs give a quest that explains how to begin the process. Completing the quest rewards your character with the title “Ethologist.”

Pets that have begun animal training receive a daily ‘pet training hour,’ which automatically begins when it first gains training experience.

Starting Training

Using the Animal Lore skill on your pet will bring up a gump with information. The final page of the gump shows “Pet Slots” and lists two numbers. The first number is the pet’s initial slot requirement and the second number is the slot requirement if the pet is completely trained. For example, the “Pet Slots” for a horse are “1 => 3.” This means that the horse is initially one slot and it has the potential to level up twice to three slots.

After using Animal Lore on a pet that has not begun animal training, the bottom of the gump will show “Begin Animal Training.” Clicking the blue button below this text will begin the process. The Animal Lore gump will now show “Pet Training Progress,” along with a progress bar, an arrow button that brings up a progress gump, and a red button to cancel the training process. Cancelling the training process ends the training process and removes any available training points.

When your pet is training, you will see messages that tell you how well your pet is gaining, i.e., “the pet’s battle experience has slightly/fairly/greatly increased.” You will see the message “the pet does not appear to train from that” when your pet can no longer gain battle experience from that particular enemy — a new target is needed to continue gaining experience. Magic casting pets will receive a similar message when they cast spells that won’t provide a gain in experience.

Applying Points to Pets

Once your pet’s training progress bar has reached 100.00%, “Pet Training Options” and a blue button will appear on the Animal Lore gump. Clicking on this blue button will open the Animal Training Menu.

The Animal Taming requirement to control your pet increases as you apply upgrades, up to a maximum requirement of 100.0.

The “PLAN” button on the “Animal Training Menu” opens the “Pet Training Planning” menu which allows you to view the cost of upgrades that you would like to make to your pet. Clicking “ENABLE” on the “Pet Training Planning” menu allows you to select upgrades from the main menu without committing to them. With planning enabled, you can select potential upgrades from the main menu and “Add To Plan.” Selections can be removed from the plan by using the X button next to it. When you are ready to make your final selections, click the “DISABLE” button on the “Pet Training Planning” menu and use your plan as a reference. With planning disabled, your selections will be permanently applied to your pet when you click “Train Pet” on the “Training Confirmation” gumps. Make sure you are certain about your selection before clicking “Train Pet” as all training is final.

Your pet’s slot requirement will increase by one after applying the first property. If you have any points left over and no options available to use them, you can use the red button on the Animal Lore gump to cancel the training process. This will remove the left over points and, if your pet can level up again, allow you to continue the training process.

This website has a good explanation about pet training basics and the order to apply upgrades.

Pet Training Options

The “Animal Training Menu” has the following categories (not all options are available to every pet): Stats, Resists, Magical Abilities, Special Abilities, Special Moves, and Area Effect Abilities.

If your pet innately has a special ability, it cannot be overwritten and reduces your available choices. Selecting a new school of magic removes any natural magical ability your pet may have had. You are limited to a total of three choices from the following list — two from categories 1-3 and one from the Magical Abilities list. Select in the order shown below, Magical Ability last.

  1. Area Effect – limit 1
  2. Special Move – limit 2
  3. Special Ability – limit 1
  4. Magical Ability – limit 1

These selections are shown on the Pet Advancements page of the Animal Lore gump.

You are limited to selecting two options from the Special Moves list. Magical Abilities that add Special Moves (e.g., Wrestling Mastery that adds Disarm and Paralyzing Blow) will remove any previously trained Special Moves. If you have added a Magical Ability to your pet and then add a second Magical Ability, the first will be removed. Some Magical Abilities require all three of the available options. For example, Piercing, Bashing, and Slashing train the pet in three special moves.

Certain training options rely on secondary factors. For example, the option to add Chivalry to amenable pets requires you to have positive karma. The giant beetle initially does not have any Area Effect Abilities, but if you add Poisoning from Magical Abilities then you will be able to add Poison Breath from the Area Effect Abilities.

The available training options are governed by the creature’s classification and any abilities the pet already has. For example, an eagle will not have the option for Tail Swipe under Special Abilities, because it is not a tailed creature. Nightmares will not have the option to choose a Special Ability, because they already Dragon Breath; this reduces your available options to two for such pets.

Training Point Weight Caps
  • Strength, Dexterity & Intelligence: 2300
  • Hit Point, Stamina & Mana: 3300
  • Resists: 1095
  • Hit Point Regeneration: 360
  • Stamina Regeneration: 360
  • Mana Regeneration: 360
Individual Attribute Caps
  • Strength: 700
  • Intelligence: 700
  • Dexterity: 150
  • Hit Points: 1100
  • Stamina: 150
  • Mana: 1500
  • Hit Point Regeneration: 20
  • Stamina Regeneration: 30
  • Mana Regeneration: 30
  • Individual Resists: 80
    • Total Resists: 365
Base Damage
  • Slot 1 => 2: 8
  • Slot 2 => 3: 13
  • Slot 3 => 4: 17
  • Slot 4 => 5: 22
Creature Classifications
Magical Creatures    
charger lava lizard unicorn
dragon nightmare white wyrm
drake silver steed  
Necromantic Creatures    
dire wolf hell cat nightmare
dread spider hell hound predator hell cat
Sticky Skin Creatures    
giant toad    
Clawed Creatures    
alligator eagle rat
bird frenzied ostard ridgeback
black bear giant rat savage ridgeback
brown bear grey wolf sewer rat
cat grizzly bear slith
chicken hell hound snow leopard
cougar hell cat stone slith
crow lava lizard timber wolf
desert ostard magpie tropical bird
dire wolf panther white wolf
dragon polar bear white wyrm
drake predator hellcat  
Tailed Creatures    
alligator high plains boura sewer rat
cougar lava lizard slith
dog lowland boura snow leopard
dragon panther stone slith
drake predator hellcat white wolf
grey wolf rat white wyrm
hell hound ruddy boura  
hell cat scorpion  
Insectoid Creatures    
giant beetle    
Magical Abilities
  • Piercing: Trains the creature in the bleed, armor ignore, and paralyze special moves. Also trains the creature in the Pierce & Thrust mastery abilities.
  • Bashing: Trains the creature in the mortal strike, concussion, and disarm special moves. Also trains the creature in the Toughness & Stagger mastery abilities.
  • Slashing: Trains the creature in the nerve strike, armor ignore, and disarm special moves. Also trains the creature in the Focused Eye & Onslaught mastery abilities.
  • Battle Defense: Trains the creature in the disarm and paralyze special moves. Also trains the creature in the Heightened Senses, Shield Bash and Bodyguard mastery abilities.
  • Wrestle Mastery: Trains the creature in the disarm and paralyze special moves. Also trains the creature in the Knockout & Rampage mastery abilities.
  • Chivalry: Trains the creature in the power of Chivalry. Creature must have positive karma. The same 1000+ karma requirement for players to cast Chivalry spells applies to pets as well.
  • Discordance: Trains the creature in the power of Discordance.
  • Magery Mastery: Trains the creature in advanced use of Magery spells.
  • Necromage: Trains the creature in the power of Necromagery, a combination of Necromany and Magery.
  • Necromancy: Trains the creature in the power of Necromancy. Creature must have negative karma.
  • Poisoning: Trains the creature in the power of Poisoning.
Special Abilities
  • Angry Fire: Trains the creature in the Angry Fire special ability, causing the creature to deliver devastating fire attacks. Mana Cost 30.
  • Conductive Blast: Trains the creature in the Conductive Blast special ability, causing reduction to a target’s energy resistance. Mana Cost 30.
  • Dragon Breath: Trains the creature in the Dragon Breath special ability, causing the creature to deliver devastating fire damage based on its target’s health. Only available to creatures with the classification Magical. Mana Cost 30.
  • Grasping Claw: Trains the creature in the Grasping Claw special ability, causing the creature to use its claws to shred a target causing a loss in physical resistance and physical damage. Only available to creatures with the classification Clawed. Mana Cost 30.
  • Inferno: Trains the creature in the Inferno special ability, causing the creature to surround its targets with fire, causing a reduction to fire resistance and devastating fire damage. Mana Cost 30.
  • Lightning Force: Trains the creature in the Lightning Force special ability, causing the creature to attack with energy damage. Mana Cost 30.
  • Mana Drain: Trains the creature in the Mana Drain special ability, causing the creature to drain the mana of all nearby targets. Mana Cost 30.
  • Raging Breath: Trains the creature in the Raging Breath special ability, causing the creature to use a fiery breath inflicting a burst of fire damage that persists over time. Mana Cost 30.
  • Repel: Trains the creature in the Repel special ability, causing all incoming damage to be reflected at the attacker. Mana Cost 30.
  • Searing Wounds: Trains the creature in the Searing Wounds special ability, causing the creature to sear attackers resulting in a reduction in the effect of healing. Mana Cost 25.
  • Steal Life: Trains the creature in the Steal Life special ability, causing the creature to attack with energy damage that will convert some of that damage back to health over time. Mana Cost 30.
  • Venomous Bite: Trains the creature in the Venomous Bite special ability, causing the creature to poison all nearby targets. Only available to creatures with the Poisoning Skill. Mana Cost 30.
  • Vicious Bite: Trains the creature in the Vicious Bite special ability, causing the creature to inflict a festering wound on approaching targets that does direct damage over time. Only available to creatures with the Poisoning Skill. Mana Cost 20.
  • Rune Corruption: Trains the creature in the Rune Corruption special ability, causing reduction to a target’s damage resistances. Only available to creatures with the classification Insectoid. Mana Cost 30.
  • Life Leech: Trains the creature in the Life Leech special ability, causing the creature to leech life from incoming damage. Only available to creatures with the classification Necromantic. Mana Cost 5.
  • Sticky Skin: Trains the creature in the Sticky Skin special ability, causing a reduction in attack speed to attackers. Only available to creatures with the classification Sticky Skin. Mana Cost 5.
  • Tail Swipe: Trains the creature in the Tail Swipe special ability, causing the creature to lash its tail at targets resulting in direct damage and a chance of paralysis and confusion, resulting in a decrease of intelligence and dexterity. Only available to creatures with the classification Tailed. Mana Cost 30.
Special Moves

With the exception of Cold Wind, these moves are the same as player special moves.

  • Armor Ignore
  • Armor Pierce
  • Bleed Attack
  • Cold Wind: Causes the creature to breathe an icy wind around targets that causes cold damage over time. Mana Cost 30.
  • Concussion Blow
  • Crushing Blow
  • Disarm
  • Dismount
  • Force of Nature
  • Mortal Strike
  • Paralyzing Blow
  • Psychic Attack
Area Effect Abiltiies
  • Aura of Energy: Trains the creature in the Aura of Energy area effect, causing energy damage to nearby targets. Mana Cost 20.
  • Explosive Goo: Trains the creature in the Explosive Goo area effect, causing a fiery spray on nearby victims causing fire damage. Mana Cost 30.
  • Essence of Earth: Trains the creature in the Essence of Earth area effect, causing physical damage to nearby targets. Mana Cost 20.
  • Aura of Nausea: Trains the creature in the Aura of Nausea area effect, causing nearby targets to suffer a reduction in swing speed, hit chance, defence chance and faster casting. Requires the creature to have the Poisoning skill. Mana Cost 100.
  • Poison Breath: Trains the creature in the Poison Breath area effect, causing lethal poison to nearby targets. Requires the creature to have the Poisoning skill. Mana Cost 50.
  • Essence of Disease: Trains the creature in the Essence of Disease area effect, causing poison damage to nearby targets. Requires the creature to have the Poisoning skill. Mana Cost 20.

Other Considerations

This section will address other things to consider when training pets with the Animal Training System.

Resistance Ointments

Items called resistance ointments can be applied to pets to permanently increase their resistances (physical, fire, cold, poison, and energy). Both regular and greater ointments increase a given resistance by +1%, up to a cap of 30% or 40%, respectively. Regular ointments are dropped by Bodmahl, a boss character in the Problems in Yew quest. Greater ointments are crafted from regular ones with the sundering tool.

It can require a significant number of points to raise your pet’s resistances through the Animal Training System. By using resistance ointments, you can save some of those points for other attributes.