
There are a number of additions and modifications to the standard crafting found in UO, as well as completely new systems.

Runics have been removed from the BOD system. Various rewards have replaced them and can be seen in a display area. This area is accessed through a moongate in Lord British’s castle. The materials used in crafting now impart various bonuses to the crafted item.

A chart with the physical resistances imparted from armor and defense chance increase from shields is located at the bottom of the page.

Many of the custom items added to the crafting disciplines require learning their recipes before you are able to craft them. These recipes can be purchased through the reputation system vendors, once you have gained sufficient standing within the reputation group.

Crafting Bonus Regions

When you are in a crafting bonus region, you receive a moderate reduction in the amount of raw materials required to craft. Crafting bonus regions can be found in the following areas:

  • Britain: around the blacksmith shop in the northwest corner of the city.
  • Hvitorland: around the lava forge on the mountain.
  • Ocllo: Uzeran’s house and the blacksmith stand near the bank.


Standard Crafting


A poison cloud potion has been added to the necromancy section of the alchemy crafting menu. It requires a recipe purchased from the Guild of Arcane Arts reputation vendor. The new ingredient, poisonous bark, drops off the necromancers in Wrong Dungeon. They are fearsome casters, so beware. The potion functions similarly to a conflagration potion and the strength of the poison depends on the alchemy of the person throwing the potion — anywhere from lesser poison for the general user, up to greater poison for a GM alchemist. Anyone who enters the poison cloud will be harmed, so use carefully.

New herbalist items are crafted using the alchemist’s mortal and pestle. The tool to harvest herbs, the boline, is discussed in the section on tinkering. Cure liniments prevent poisoning by non-players (creatures, NPCs) and have a cooldown between uses.


Both the blacksmithy and arms lore skills are used when crafting at a forge and anvil. Arms lore comes into play when determining the durability of an exceptionally crafted piece of armor and the damage increase property on weapons.

Exceptionally crafted pieces of armor will also have improved physical resistance — on par with the physical resistance of guarding armor.

Weapons and armor crafted from the different colored ingots will have various bonuses imparted to them. Dragon scales only impart their hue to the crafted armor.

Recipes used in blacksmithy are purchased from the Minoc Metalworkers reputation vendor. The charger barding kit is obtained from the Brothers in Arms reputation vendor.


Some ships are now craftable. Ship plans are available from mainland shipwrights. These plans need to be filled with boards, similar to a commodity deed, before being using in carpentry crafting.


The Sea Market tavern keeper has been stocked with four ingredients used for cooking: mento seasoning, Samuel’s Secret Sauce, salt, and dark truffles.

Additional tools are required for the items in the beverages section of the standard cooking menu. These tools are the grinder and the steam powered beverage maker. Both are available as cooking BOD rewards. Coffee grounds are made from coffee pods which are acquired from potted coffee plants. Potted coffee plants are one of the potential items that come out of the horn of plenty. The horn of plenty is a reward choice for winning one of the monthly Huntmaster’s Challenges.

Cooking has been significantly expanded upon through the Homestead System. Sub-systems include:

  • Brewing: Adds brewing of mead, ale, and hard apple cider. The Brewer’s Tool is used to make kegs of each type and a Brewery Label Tool that works with it. There are different bottle types for each type of beverage and each has a special type of exceptional label. Mead and ale have “Black Label” and cider has “Reserve Dark”. There are also four types of hops for use with ale and mead. A brewer NPC is in The Salty Dog tavern’s basement in East Britain.

  • Juicing: Juice can be made from 23 kinds of fruits that are grown in the crop system. Tools to do so can be purchased from the juice maker NPC at the farm east of Minoc Castle.

  • Crops: Over 70 different crop seeds are available that are planted, grown, and then can be harvested for various crops/foods. Several types of crops are millable for further use in the cooking system. Also available are mushroom gardens, from which mushrooms are harvested. Taste Identification is used in conjunction with the mushroom gardens. A garden plot add-on is required to plant and grow these seeds. The deeds to place gardens at your house are purchased from the winecrafter in Ye Olde Winery in Yew or the gardener in the garden of Lord British’s castle.

    A few varieties of the new crop seeds are available from the gardener at Lord British’s castle. The rest will drop off various brigand-type NPCs at four locations: Buccaneer’s Den, northeast of Vesper, on Bald Island, and at the brigand camp along the road between Skara Brae and Yew.

  • Cooking: Certain foods can be cooked over open fires or other heat sources. There are four distinct types of cooking — cooking (rolling pin/flour sifter/skillet), baking (baker’s board), boiling (cook’s cauldron), and grilling (frying pan). Cooking is more like the preparation aspect of combining ingredients. Baking, boiling, and grilling each require it’s own tool. The new cooking tools can be obtained from the master cook inside Minoc Castle. Note: the skillet and frying pan look identical.

  • New foods and recipes: Many new types of food in each of the cooking types. Foods such as new pizzas, sauces, vegetables, desserts, breads, pies, and more.

  • Foods and plates: Around two dozen of the dinners require a plate and after eating will result in a dirty plate that requires washing.

  • Community beehives: No maintenance beehives that provide wax and honey.

  • Cheese making: Using a milk bucket, cows, goats, and sheep can be milked. Double click the bucket and target the animal. A cheese form needs 15 liters of milk, with the buckets holding 50 liters. Double click a cheese form to start the fermentation process after filling it. Cheese can be collected after fermentation has completed. Double clicking the cheese form during fermentation will show you its progress. There is a chance to fail at making cheese and also a chance to create “magic” cheese, which functions like the magic fish from fishing. A large cheese wheel will be produced, which can then be carved into wedges. The tools used in cheese making are sold by dairy farmers. One can be found near the cow pen outside of Britain and the other on the farm near the castle north of Minoc.

  • New meats: Some animals now have new meat types after carving them. The meat is used in the extended cooking system.


The alchemist at the Sea Market sells the items needed to learn glassblowing and how to mine for sand.


Scroll binder deeds are craftable by scribes. They are used to combine skill scrolls into a single scroll. Wood pulp is the required to make them and it is made by cooks from bark fragments. Bark fragments can be found by lumberjacks whilst harvesting wood.


The custom tailor items require recipes purchased from the Merchant’s Association reputation vendor.

A quiver to hold arrows and reduce their weight is able to be crafted by tailors. Quiver parts can be found on elf brigands near Yew.


Tinkering recipes are found on the Minoc Metalworkers reputation vendor.

Advanced Training Dummy:

Tinkers can take a training dummy crafted by a carpenter and upgrade it to an advanced training dummy. Where training dummies are used to train from 0-25, the advanced version will allow you to train a melee skill from 30 – 80. The training dummy sword used in crafting is found on the Brothers in Arms reputation vendor. Using the advanced training dummy will damage weapons in the same manner that combat will damage weapons.


A tool used for harvesting herbs from various plants. Plants will always yield the same type of herb. There are 35 types of herbs and all but two are only found through harvesting. The remaining two herb types are sold by herbalists, along with a book to help in identifying herbs. Taste identification is used in determining the success of herb harvesting, but the skill is not actually trained through the act of harvesting. Direct use of taste identification on foods and potions is required to increase proficiency.

Calthrops Bag:

A new, tinker craftable trap that can aid in making an escape. It requires two iron ingots, two yellow scales, and a bag to craft. The calthrops bag is used by double clicking it, which causes your character to scatter the calthrops around the tile on which he or she is standing. Anyone who steps on the calthrops will take a small amount of damage and be forced to walk temporarily.

  • Calthrops persist for 30 seconds.
  • They can be used every 5 seconds.
  • The walking effect lasts for 2 seconds.
  • Treated as a non-criminal action.


In order to trap a container, it must be able to be locked. There are three settings: unlocked, locked and armed, unlocked and armed. Using the key on the trapped container will cycle through these settings. Generally speaking, the tinker will be responsible for any damage done by opening a trapped box, and they can flag criminal and be reported for murder.

Jewelry Bonuses:

Jewelry crafted from the tinkering menu will carry the same material bonuses as metal armors. The gem added to crafted jewelry also adds additional bonuses:

  • amber: +2 strength
  • amethyst: +5% swing speed increase
  • citrine: +2% defense chance increase
  • diamond: +2% physical resistance
  • emerald: +2% lower mana cost
  • ruby: +2% hit chance increase
  • sapphire: +2 intelligence
  • star sapphire: +5% spell damage increase
  • tourmaline: +2 dexterity


Custom Crafting

Beyond new items being added to the standard areas of crafting, expanded and completely new craftables have been implemented on the server.

Golem Crafting

New golems are available and are able to be crafted using the tinkering skill. Golems are not able to be bonded, but unlike the original golem, they are able to be healed and stabled like regular pets.

Each golem requires its own assembly kit and the required components. Double click the assembly kit to create a golem. The golem’s stats and skills will scale with the crafter’s skill in tinkering. Judah Bezalel starts the quest to obtain assembly kits and is located in the Trinsic Tinkers Guild.

Trash Golem (30 tinkering)

  • 1 power crystal
  • 30 iron ingots
  • 20 copper ingots
  • 5 gears

Exploding Clockwork Scorpion (50 tinkering)

  • 1 power crystal
  • 1 greater explosion potion
  • 20 iron ingots
  • 10 bronze ingots
  • 5 gears

Lure Golem (60 tinkering)

  • 1 power crystal
  • 50 iron ingots
  • 20 verite ingots
  • 5 gears

Arcane Golem (70 tinkering)

  • 1 power crystal
  • 1 summon creature scroll
  • 50 iron ingots
  • 20 shadow iron ingots
  • 20 agapite ingots
  • 5 gears

Wooden Golem (80 tinkering)

  • 1 power crystal
  • 20 oak boards
  • 10 yew boards
  • 70 boards
  • 10 springs
  • 5 gears

War Golem (90 tinkering)

  • 1 power crystal
  • 100 iron ingots
  • 10 gold ingots
  • 20 valorite ingots
  • 10 springs
  • 20 gears


Necromancy Crafting

Necromancers are able to assemble and animate undead creatures. These creatures are bondable and can be stabled. However, they cannot be transferred between players and will die if they are released.

The process in animating an undead “pet” is:

  • Dig graves to gather the required crafting pieces.
  • Use the necromancer’s tools to assemble the preparation for the creature.
  • Find and fill a soul gem.
  • Take the preparation and filled soul gem to a summoning altar (abbatoir).
  • Stand within one tile of the summoning altar and double click the preparation.

Grave digging is performed with any shovel. Double click the shovel and target the turned dirt near a gravestone. Chances of success increase with the shovel type. In ascending order: grave digger’s shovel, expert grave digger’s shovel, and master grave digger’s shovel. Digging in a dungeon has different results than digging in an outdoor graveyard. Many of the components required in necromancy crafting are dug from graves. The grave diggers’ shovels are carried by the necromancers in Wrong Dungeon, while the Necromage Peerless will drop the higher end shovels.

The necromancer’s tools is a crafting tool kit obtained from the necromancers in Wrong Dungeon. Using it will show a menu listing the craftable creatures and their required components. The crafted preparation will look like a miniature version of the creature.

Soul gems are also found on necromancers in Wrong Dungeon. After slaying most types of creatures, the soul gem can be double clicked and the corpse of the creature you have slain targeted. This will fill the soul gem and it can be used in animating crafted undead.

Summoning altars are the circular stone altars seen in certain NPC buildings and occasionally in dungeons. They can also be crafted on the carpentry menu under Misc Add-Ons (abbatoir). Double clicking the preparation will cause it and the filled soul gem to disappear, replaced with a freshly animated undead creature standing on the center of the summoning altar.

The stats and skills of the animated undead creature scale with the necromancy skill, so it is ideal to train necromancy to 100.0 before animating. There is a bonus for animating inside a dungeon and an additional bonus for animating on the summoning altar in the boss room of the Necromage Peerless in Wrong.


Sundering is a crafting system based off the Magery skill. Beyond Magery, it also requires 50.0 skill points in Arms Lore, Item Identification, and Tinkering. Sundering breaks down magical weapons, armor, clothing, instruments, and spellbooks into their essences, which are then the primary resource used in the crafting system. Sundering can be used to upgrade weapons, armor, instruments, and spellbooks and to craft some new magical items useful to non-mages.

  • Unwanted magical items can be collected and used in sundering.
  • Upgrades to weapons and armor are done in order, i.e., a weapon of power deed can only be applied to weapons of force.
  • Slayer essences are obtained by sundering items with a slayer property or as drops off their corresponding opposition creatures. Double click stacks of slayer essences to form a slayer gem. Slayer gems are a component in crafting with the sundering tool.

To get started, find the scholar of sundering in the Lycaeum in Moonglow. Use the NPC’s context menu to talk or say “learn” and you will be directed on how to begin.


Taxidermy has been extended significantly by the addition of mounting whole animals. The ability of preparing hides for taxidermy is taught by the taxidermist NPC. Tanners, when asked about “taxidermy”, will describe how to find him. After locating the taxidermist, one will need to ask him to “teach” or to “learn”. Once the ability has been learned, a skinning knife can be single clicked and its mode toggled to prepare taxidermy quality hides. A taxidermy kit is then used on a hide prepared for taxidermy to create a deed for the finished mount. After learning taxidermy, and if you can find him, a traveling mortician NPC will teach the ability to mount humanoid creatures.

Animals: alligator, bird, black bear, boar, bull, bull frog, cat, cow, chicken, dog, eagle, giant rat, giant serpent, giant toad, goat, gorilla, great hart, grizzly bear, hind, horse, llama, mongbat, ostard, panther, pig, polar bear, rabbit, rat, ridgeback, sheep, snake, timber wolf, turkey, and walrus.

Humanoids: ettin, gargoyle, harpy, headless one, horde minion, lizardman, ogre, orc, ratman, and troll.


Crafting Recipes

Certain items require you to learn a recipe prior to crafting. The following table lists recipes and where to obtain them.

Recipe Location
poison cloud potion Arcane Arts vendor (trusted level)
great helm Minoc Metalworkers vendor (trusted level)
small elegant aquarium fisher NPCs
wall mounted aquarium fisher NPCs
large elegant aquarium fisher NPCs
gingerbread cookie cooking BOD reward
dark chocolate nutcracker cooking BOD reward
milk chocolate nutcracker cooking BOD reward
white chocolate nutcracker cooking BOD reward
three tiered cake Fezzik the ogre cook
hamburger Huntmaster’s Challenge reward
hotdog Huntmaster’s Challenge reward
sausage Huntmaster’s Challenge reward
grilled serpent steak Huntmaster’s Challenge reward
stone anvil (south) carpentry BOD reward
stone anvil (east) carpentry BOD reward
leather belt Merchant’s Association vendor (friendly level)
leather kilt Merchant’s Association vendor (well-known level)
leather dress Merchant’s Association vendor (trusted level)
fine dress Merchant’s Association vendor (trusted level)
dress with trim Merchant’s Association vendor (member level)
peasant’s dress Merchant’s Association vendor (well-known level)
blouse Merchant’s Association vendor (friendly level)
quiver Merchant’s Association vendor (member level)
calthrops bag Minoc Metalworkers vendor (trusted level)
monocle Minoc Metalworkers vendor (member level)
telescope tinkering BOD reward
barbed whip Minoc Metalworkers vendor (trusted level)
spiked whip Minoc Metalworkers vendor (trusted level)
bladed whip Minoc Metalworkers vendor (trusted level)


Material Crafting Bonuses

 Crafting Material  Crafted Armor Bonus  Crafted Weapon Bonus
 Dull Copper  +50 durability   +100 durability
 Shadow Iron  +1 LMC  +5 LMC
 Copper  +1 HP, +1 stam  +1 HP, +1 stam
 Bronze  +2 stam, +1 stam regen  +2 stam, +1 stam regen
 Gold  +40 luck  +40 luck
 Agapite  +2 HP, +1 HP regen  +2 HP, +1 HP regen
 Verite  +1 HP regen, +1 mana regen, +1 stam regen  +1 HP regen, +1 mana regen, +1 stam regen
 Valorite  +2 HP, +2 mana, +2 stam  +2 HCI, +1 stam regen, +10 SSI
 Oak  +50 durability  +100 durability
 Ash  +1 LMC  +5 LMC
 Yew  +40 luck  +40 luck
 Heartwood  +2 HP, +1 HP regen  +2 HP, +1 HP regen
 Bloodwood  +1 HP regen, +1 mana regen, +1 stam regen  +1 HP regen, +1 mana regen, +1 stam regen
 Frostwood  +2 HP, +2 mana, +2 stam  +2 HCI, +1 stam regen, +10 SSI
 Spined Leather  +1 HP, +1 HP regen, +1 stam  —
 Horned Leather  +1 LMC  —
 Barbed Leather  +1 HP regen, +1 mana regen, +1 stam regen  —
 Red Scales  +2 HP, +1 HP regen  —
 Yellow Scales  +40 luck  —
 Black Scales  +1 LMC  —
 Green Scales  +1 HP regen, +1 mana regen, +1 stam regen  —
 White Scales  +1 HP, +1 HP regen, +1 stam  —
 Blue Scales  +2 HP, +2 mana, +2 stam  —
HCI: Hit Chance Increase
HP: Hit Points
LMC: Lower Mana Cost
Regen: Regeneration
Stam: Stamina
SSI: Swing Speed Increase


Armor Chart

Armor Sets (Physical Resistance)              
  Leather Studded Ringmail Chainmail Platemail Bone Dragon
Head 2 4 5 5 6
Neck 1 2 3
Chest 7 9 11 13 17 15 21
Arms 2 3 4 5 5 6
Gloves 1 2 2 3 3 4
Legs 2 3 4 4 5 5 6
Other Helmets (Physical Resistance)              
Bascinet Close Helmet Norse Great      
3 5 5 5 6      
Shields (Defense Chance Increase)              
Buckler Wooden Metal Bronze Tear Kite Metal Kite Heater Order/Chaos/Balance*
1 2 2 3 3 4 5 10
*Must join Factions to use, do not spawn elsewhere. Spell channeling.